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微水泥的專用清潔劑 Specialised products for cleaning microcement


Ecoclean Basic 專用微水泥清潔劑家庭版

Ecoclean Basic 微水泥清潔劑家庭版是一種針對家庭環境的環保清潔劑,是清潔私人住宅微水泥牆壁和地板的理想選擇。由於其強脫脂和除垢能力,能迅速去除積累的油脂、食物殘渣、水垢和油印。


Ecoclean Pro微水泥清潔劑專用版

在Topciment,我們還有Ecoclean Pro 微水泥清潔劑專用版,這是一種環保的、鹼性的清潔劑。需要使用保護措施來清潔微水泥牆壁和地板,是純粹的專業用途。

微水泥清潔劑專用版被強烈推薦用於清潔車庫或修車廠、酒店、餐廳廚房、醫院、機場、購物中心和其他大型表面。與Ecoclean Basic家庭版不同的是,它的脫脂能力更強,幾乎能夠去除所有的污漬和痕跡。即使是最難處理和最頑固的,如輪胎印、微水泥清潔劑專用版、污染、煙塵、水垢、油、食物殘渣、油脂、血蹟等。


Although water and neutral soap are enough to clean microcement, both floors and walls, at Topciment we offer two specialised products for cleaning microcement. Two cleaners that enhance even more the durability of the optimal state of this innovative coating.

Cleaning microcement with Ecoclean Basic

Ecoclean Basic is an ecological detergent cleaner aimed at a more domestic environment, as it is ideal for cleaning microcement walls and floors in private homes. Thanks to its high degreasing and descaling power, it quickly removes accumulated grease, food residues, limescale and oil marks.

But how is it applied to the microcement floor or the microcement wall? It's very easy. Just dilute it with water and apply it to the surface with a mop, sprayer, spray ball or sponge. To clean the microcement in depth, the product should be left to act for 5 to 15 minutes.

Cleaning microcement with Ecoclean Pro

At Topciment we also have Ecoclean Pro , an environmentally friendly, alkaline detergent cleaner. A feature that leads to the need to use protection to clean microcement on walls and floors, which is why it is intended for purely professional use.

Ecolean Pro is highly recommended for cleaning garages or workshops, hotels, restaurant kitchens, hospitals, hotels, airports, shopping centres and other large surfaces. Unlike Ecoclean Basic, its degreasing power is much higher, and it is therefore able to remove practically all stains and marks. Even the most difficult and persistent ones such as tyre marks, release agents, pollution, soot, limescale, oil, food residues, grease, blood, etc.

As for its application on microcement walls or microcement floors, it can be appliedboth concentrated and diluted in waterdepending on the degree of soiling of the surface. In the case of diluting the cleaner with water and then spraying it on the surface to be treated, the product should be left to act for 5 to 15 minutes. Once this time has elapsed, wipe with a cloth or wipe and then rinse with water.

AKK,我們是 TT Topciment® 香港的授權獨家經銷商。 我們所有使用的 TT Topciment® 微水泥物料均於西班牙🇪🇸生產 。

AKK, is the authorized Solo Distributor of TT Topciment® (made in Spain 🇪🇸 ) microcement in Hong Kong.

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